The Allenort Group was established on the initiative of physicians conducting medical business. Allenort’s aim is to conduct investment activities focused on the medical industry and advanced IT technologies for the medical sector. Allenort's team of owners, managers and advisors has many years of experience in building technological and medical projects as well as providing financial support for various business project.
The beginnings of Allenort date back to 1991, when its founder, and currently its president, Dr. Grzegorz Goryszewski, began to implement the first projects combining business and medicine in the United States.
Allenort started its activity in Poland in 2005 when Dr. Grzegorz Goryszewski was joined by Dr. Marek Szufladowicz, and their joint work resulted in the creation of the first private cardiac hospital in Warsaw.
In 2006, the Allenort Medica holding was established, which during ten years of its operation focused on the construction, development and organization of private cardiac wards in Poland. As a result, a network of eleven cardiac clinics was established, connected by an innovative IT telemedicine system LIFENET, which enabled heart attack patients to receive the most advanced medical assistance and life-saving technologies within 120 minutes.
Till this day more than 50,000 patients were treated and several thousand open heart surgeries were performed in Allenort cardiac wards. Allenort's cardiology centers have provided outpatient care for more than 100,000 patients annually. The next milestone in the development of Allenort was to bring to Poland and launch the first in the country Gamma Knife Radio-Surgery Center.
Currently Allenort is expanding its medical activities to other specialties, using modern technology, new procedures and modern achievements of medicine.
Apart from medical activities, the activity is also focused on other investment projects mainly in the field of modern technologies.